Thinking about March usually conjures up images of spring, St. Patrick’s Day, and of course college basketball....

Thinking about March usually conjures up images of spring, St. Patrick’s Day, and of course college basketball....
It seems that college admission boards are finally realizing what students knew all along: essay questions on tests...
March 10th -- it came and went. Maybe you took a prep class with your friends, maybe your mom ordered you one of those...
The new August SAT date is awesome news for some students. Not only does it give students the opportunity to fully commit to prepping over the summer, but it also offers relief to a number of students in specific situations.
To see a significant change in your SAT or ACT score, you need to fundamentally change your abilities in critical thinking and reading, not just learn memorization techniques and test shortcuts.
With junior year creeping to a close, those who aren’t happy with their scores face a challenging array of questions: Should I jump ship on the SAT and try my hand at the ACT (or vice versa)? Should I sign up for a class? Seek out a private tutor? Switch tutors? Give up?
Subject Tests represent another differentiating factor in college admissions evaluation.
You might want to consider a different way to prep.
Please read the following post carefully, as you would an SAT passage. Critical reading questions — consistent with those found on the current SAT — will follow! In his speech March 5 announcing an overhaul of the current SAT, College Board President David Coleman...
Below are the answers to the SAT questions on "An Exercise in Critical Reading" Please feel free to comment on the strategies you used to figure these questions out! 1. E 2. B 3. A 4. A
A closer look at how tutoring can impact your child’s education.
With just a few days left until winter break, high school sophomores and juniors across Baltimore are powering through remaining tests and papers before the holiday vacation begins. But they’re also getting scores back from a standardized test they took in October:...