
Streamline Learning

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“Knowledge grows exponentially. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base.”

“Streamline Tutors propels any student the ability to drastically improve their ACT or SAT scores.”


“Streamline Tutors provided the tools and confidence to allow my son to rapidly achieve measurably improved ACT results.”


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I got my PSAT scores… now what?

I got my PSAT scores… now what?

This week, most sophomores and juniors have recevied their PSAT results. We promise, even if you are disappointed by the score, there is no reason to freak out just yet!   Before we get into it, please check out this blog that generally explains how you should...

Application Anxiety and Careers

Application Anxiety and Careers

If you were to look up “college admissions anxiety”, you would be met with countless pages. Links with titles like “6 Ways to Fight College Application Stress” and “How to Deal With Application Anxiety”. At every step of the college admissions process, students are...

Streamline Learning

College Applications

The End of SAT at UC

The End of SAT at UC

The end of the SAT and ACT at the University of California schools has been welcomed by some with applause. And why wouldn’t it be? The original rationale of the case brought against the use of these tests cited the fact that the tests were biased towards people who...

Streamline Learning

Standardized Test Prep

The Proctor Nightmare

The Proctor Nightmare

Sign this petition to urge standardization of SAT/ACT proctor and test site. Imagine it’s the morning of test day. Your student wakes up fully rested, prepared and confident that their SAT/ACT preparation is going to pay off. They’ve done their due diligence. They’ve...

Making March Marvelous

Making March Marvelous

Thinking about March usually conjures up images of spring, St. Patrick’s Day, and of course college basketball. Likewise, while college athletes prepare themselves for March Madness, we think that students should put just as much effort into preparing for the March...

Streamline Learning

Case Study

Students Don’t Read and Don’t Know Where to Start

Students Don’t Read and Don’t Know Where to Start

"The problem of our age is the proper administration of wealth, that the ties of brotherhood may still bind the rich and the poor in harmonious relationship. The conditions of human life have not only been changed but revolutionized, within the past few hundred years....

Case Study 4: The Recruited Athlete

Case Study 4: The Recruited Athlete

Executive Summary: Claire was a star lacrosse player at McDonogh. Her junior year, she was recruited at an Ivy League school -- all she needed was a 29 on the ACT.  Streamline had the perfect one-on-one solution. Challenges: Claire’s practice schedule made it...

Streamline Learning


Making Good Learning

Making Good Learning

The Best Lecture - The difference between sitting in a lecture and actively interacting with content is the difference between a momentary experience and sustained learning. An amazing lecture can be incredibly interesting. But how much of it can you explain the next...

The past, present and future of learning

The past, present and future of learning

The Past of Learning There was once a time when people were smarter and more skilled because they simply had to be. They had a multifaceted intelligence that they needed in order to remember everything they needed to survive. People had to recognize the languages of...

Never assume a kid is not trying

Never assume a kid is not trying

The first thing we do when a student is doing consistently poorly in school should never be to chalk said student’s failures up to being a bad or unintelligent student. The first thing we should do should be to question the system. How is it treating this child? Is...