Taking the SAT or ACT may still be worth your time. Read below to figure out whether taking advantage of test-optional...

Taking the SAT or ACT may still be worth your time. Read below to figure out whether taking advantage of test-optional...
Not quite ready to jump into college life? A gap year may be just what you need! A gap year is a year you take off...
We all know the college admissions game comes down to more than just numbers, but having a competitive GPA and SAT/ACT...
Say it’s a loved one’s birthday. You plan on going out and buying them a gift that’s unique to your relationship and makes them think of how thoughtful and caring you are. But alas, you’re crunched for time and the birthday party is tonight, so you gather all your...
Imagine you’re in a burning house, what would be the few things you grab before you scram for the door? You wouldn’t be able to bring the antique china set that has been passed down through generations and, honestly, you...
As the college application process insidiously approaches and students make last minute touch ups to the common application essay, it is critical to encourage students to weigh their options in order to make the most informed decision about which schools to apply to...
The Varsity Blues celebrity admissions scandal that broke just a few months ago left many yearning for a so-called meritocratic admissions system. Just last week, the CollegeBoard announced their development of an “Adversity Index” that will allow colleges to view an...
“Lines are stupid; I’ll never use these dumb formulas” Every teacher has heard this, and we at Streamline Tutors hear it constantly: “why do I need to know this beyond this test? I’m never going to use the formula for a line in the real world, so why learn it now?”...
Why Believe Anything? In the age of fake news and alternative facts, it often feels impossible to tell what is true anymore. Any belief you have can be proven wrong with contrasting evidence, and it makes us return to the question: “Why believe anything at all?” This...
It seems that college admission boards are finally realizing what students knew all along: essay questions on tests are more hassle than they’re worth. As a recent article in the Washington Post points out, Princeton and Stanford have finally joined a long list of...
College admissions decisions for the regular round are finally arriving in Baltimore -- there are a number of opportunities high school seniors can seize if they are dissatisfied with their choices or discouraged by costs. In the spring months, colleges are hustling...
Our academic coaches at Streamline Tutors work to dispel the myths our students have absorbed into their self-conscious. We don’t let our students settle with what they’ve decided about themselves and their abilities.