
College Applications Blogs

I got my PSAT scores… now what?

This week, most sophomores and juniors have recevied their PSAT results. We promise, even if you are disappointed by the score, there is no reason to freak out just yet!   Before we get into it, please check out this blog that generally explains how you should...

Application Anxiety and Careers

If you were to look up “college admissions anxiety”, you would be met with countless pages. Links with titles like “6 Ways to Fight College Application Stress” and “How to Deal With Application Anxiety”. At every step of the college admissions process, students are...

The End of SAT at UC

The end of the SAT and ACT at the University of California schools has been welcomed by some with applause. And why wouldn’t it be? The original rationale of the case brought against the use of these tests cited the fact that the tests were biased towards people who...
What to do if you’re deferred

What to do if you’re deferred

Getting deferred from your top choice college can be disappointing, but don’t lose hope yet! Here’s everything you need to know about getting deferred and what to do next.   What does a deferral mean?  Deferrals can occur to anyone who applies early (decision or...

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Your First Semester Senior Grades Matter!

Your First Semester Senior Grades Matter!

“I’m a senior now. Do my grades even matter?” To put it briefly, yes. So you’re a senior now. Congratulations! But you’re not off the hook quite yet. Your grades during the first semester of your senior year can make all the difference in terms of  getting into your...

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Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching

“Am I smart, or not?” Most middle and high school aged kids ask themselves this question every day. Whether they’re sitting in a classroom taking a test, at home working on a problem set, or catching up with their friends after school, the question comes up again and...

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Well rounded versus Angular

Well rounded versus Angular

Not so many years ago, the prominent narrative for college admissions was that well-rounded applicants fared the best. Many talented students took this to heart and joined every club, every honor society, and ran for every school or club election possible. Instead of...

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A little bit about SmartyScholars

A little bit about SmartyScholars

If you’re a big fan of Streamline, then you may have heard about SmartyScholars, our non-profit fund dedicated to providing test prep services to talented, low-income students.   We got our official 501(c)3 status about a year ago, but had been offering one-off pro...

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