
Streamline Learning

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“Knowledge grows exponentially. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base.”

“Streamline Tutors propels any student the ability to drastically improve their ACT or SAT scores.”


“Streamline Tutors provided the tools and confidence to allow my son to rapidly achieve measurably improved ACT results.”


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Case Study: Charlie

Case Study: Charlie

Charlie’s parents specifically sought me out because they knew I could be firm. They had heard that I do not put up with bullshit from lazy, unmotivated kids. So they hoped I would be good with their son Charlie.  Charlie needed something. Between his documented...

Case Study: Beth

Case Study: Beth

Beth was the youngest of three sisters. Previously, I had successfully tutored the first two girls in the family in test preparation, but Beth was starting out with a lower score on the SAT than her siblings. She was a good deal more shy than her older sisters. There...

Streamline Learning

College Applications

I got my PSAT scores… now what?

I got my PSAT scores… now what?

This week, most sophomores and juniors have recevied their PSAT results. We promise, even if you are disappointed by the score, there is no reason to freak out just yet!   Before we get into it, please check out this blog that generally explains how you should...

Application Anxiety and Careers

Application Anxiety and Careers

If you were to look up “college admissions anxiety”, you would be met with countless pages. Links with titles like “6 Ways to Fight College Application Stress” and “How to Deal With Application Anxiety”. At every step of the college admissions process, students are...

Streamline Learning

Standardized Test Prep

When the PSATs Matter and When They Don’t

When the PSATs Matter and When They Don’t

Most high schoolers will take the PSAT for the first time in October of sophomore year. For many students, it might seem like there is a lack of information surrounding this test.  What is the PSAT? Does my score count? Should I study?  As the name suggests, the PSAT...

Streamline Learning

Case Study

Case Study: Charlie

Case Study: Charlie

Charlie’s parents specifically sought me out because they knew I could be firm. They had heard that I do not put up with bullshit from lazy, unmotivated kids. So they hoped I would be good with their son Charlie.  Charlie needed something. Between his documented...

Case Study: Beth

Case Study: Beth

Beth was the youngest of three sisters. Previously, I had successfully tutored the first two girls in the family in test preparation, but Beth was starting out with a lower score on the SAT than her siblings. She was a good deal more shy than her older sisters. There...

Streamline Learning


Schools Dropping Advanced Math in a Fumble for Equity

Schools Dropping Advanced Math in a Fumble for Equity

Recently, the local school district officials of San Mateo and Foster City made the bold proposal to drop their accelerated math program. It seems to have come from a place of good intentions. They noticed that within their county schools, Latino students were...