
On Tuesday, January 19, 2021, College Board announced that it was discontinuing both the SAT Subject Tests and the optional SAT Essay. The organization states that “the pandemic accelerated a process already underway to reduce and simplify demands on students.”

College Board states that because of the widespread availability of AP tests, Subject Tests are no longer necessary. College Board will no longer offer Subject Tests in the U.S. There will be two more administrations in May and June of 2021 for international students.

In regards to the discontinuation of the optional SAT essay, College Board says that “this decision recognizes that there are other ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of essay writing.” Students can take the SAT essay through June 2021. You can cancel current SAT essay registrations free of charge.

The communications post also confirmed College Board’s investment in a “digitally delivered” SAT but that further information will be shared later. 

What does it mean for you?

The SAT essay and Subject Tests had already been losing influence. Most schools didn’t require or consider the essay. In fact, we’ve long recommended skipping the SAT essay here at Streamline. 

Now, in lieu of the Subject Tests, AP tests will be even more important. The APs will provide a great way for students to distinguish themselves, not to mention doubling as college credit.

The APs are coming up in May, and it’s never too early to begin preparing! One-on-one tutoring and/or a high school AP course are great ways to cover the material.

The tests cover a wide range of subjects, 38 in total, so there’s bound to be a subject that serves as a strength. Popular subjects include English Language and Composition, U.S. History, English Literature and Composition, World History, Psychology, Calculus, Chemistry, Statistics, Physics, and Biology.